Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bullet Ratings #7 - Greek releases (I)

This is a collection of some of these year's stuff I have heard so far, I have another pack of the same size more or less to post later, or maybe add a couple of new upcoming albums too. As usual, some of them might have a brief talk, some not, with a rating as I personally have it in my head.

  • Acid Death - Primal Energies [7.0]
  • Akantha - Baptism in Psychical Analects [7.5] % very good, lives up to the quality of their debut and landed them a contract
  • Akrotheism - Law of Seven Deaths [3.5] % I don't think their new direction worked, sad to say this is boring
  • Beyond the Existence - Thoughts Through Imagination [3.0]
  • Bus - Never Decide [4.0] % meh
  • Cosmic Plunge - Dealing with the Harvester [6.5] % keeps it up
  • Darchon - Οιωνός [7.5]
  • Dark Messiah - Echoes of War [7.0]
  • Faunus - Sacrifice [4.5] % lot's of space for improvement
  • Feeble - Forbidden Ritual [6.0] % a bit standard but not bad
  • Funeral Storm - Arcane Mysteries [7.0]
  • Insanity Cult - All Shall Return to Chaos [6.5]
  • Katachthon - Συρακούσιος τύραννος [2.0] % what happened? their previous EP was awesome, this new track is unlistenable
  • Moeror - Sag (EP) [7.0]
  • Monk - Residents (EP) [5.5]
  • My Deathbed - Mirrors of Depression I [6.5]
  • Nordor - Caedis [7.0]
  • Progress of Inhumanity - Rotating Misery [7.0] % well done by this act I was unaware of
  • Ptoma - Life [6.5]
  • Rotting Christ - The Heretics [6.0]
  • Schizoparanoic Platoon - Subhuman Extinction [5.0] % if it wasn't for the horrible sound, I would appreciate it
  • Solis in Antris - The Forlorn Warrior [7.0]
  • Sordid Dogs - City Freaks [6.5]
  • Sores - Sores [6.5]
  • Spectral Lore - No Excuses for Fascist Sympathy (Book of Sand Cover) [7.5]
  • Stiletto - Poserkiller (Demo) [8.0] % heard the tracks seperately from Youtube, a pure and awesome demo!
  • Sørgelig - Devoted to Nothingness [6.5]
  • The Elysian Fields - New World Misanthropia [7.0] % good and refreshing effort
  • Their Methlab - The Last Second [7.5]
  • Utkena - The Firmament's Hand [7.0] % quite interesting

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