Friday, December 20, 2024

Albums of the Year 2024

When is it better to reflect than at the year’s twilight? Days shined brighter this time compared to the last one, but I can’t say the same about the sonic wreckage left behind after 12 months and 365 dawn to dusk sessions of intense and not so intense listening. Admittedly, I did not step too much out of my comfort zones, or at least not forcibly, just to elaborate on more eclectic practices while sprinkling ‘philosophized’ glitter all over my playlists. As a matter of fact:

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Top 15 EPs of 2024

15. Castrated - Surgical Vissicitude
14. Father Befouled - Immaculate Pain
13. Emasculator - The Disfigured and the Divide
12. Gravenoire - Devant la porte des étoiles
11. Crucifixion Ritual - Desecration of the Archangels
10. Sortilegia - Sorcerous Communion
9. Killing of a Sacred Deer - Killing of a Sacred Deer
8. Black Funeral - Wallachian Voivode
7. Gorgasm - Sadichist
6. Hate Forest - Justice
5. Gutvoid - Breathing Obelisk
4. Disentomb - Nothing Above
3. Orgy of Carrion - Rusted Gateways
2. Cavern Womb - Stages of Infinity
1. Sedimentum - Derrière les portes d'une arcane transcendante