Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Hauntologist - Hollow (2024)

Mgła has teased the possibility of two more releases this year, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what they (and KSM) have in store. Meanwhile, Darkside's collaboration with The Fall (Over the Voids...Owls Woods Graves), under the moniker Hauntologist, unveils an album that sits at the crossroads. Half of it resonates with the familiar semi-decent Mgła vibes, showcasing their signature style. The other half ventures into the realm of experimental post-rock and post-metal, offering a unique soundscape that is, well, okay. While uncertain about revisiting this release, especially considering the remarkable capabilities of these musicians, it still manages to strike a chord. Hauntologist's offering is a blend of the expected and the exploratory, creating an album that, although not an instant classic, holds its ground as an intriguing deviation. [3 out of 5 - Good]

Release: January 8th, 2024
Label: No Solace


  1. I like the Mgla-like songs, but the rest were uninteresting for me. Album has some good comments circulating though

    1. I think the same, did you like Owls Woods Graves?
